sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009

Are we driving in the against-hand of the Education?

First of all, we are ask: why many people need having hard studying? They are hard studying for look for a job and eran money, others make it because they fear to lose their job. Somebody will say: to be somebody in the life but this somebody it already it is. Or it would say - to progress in the life However as it admits "the progress is conferred to science, however subordinated" (SANTOS, p..51par. 1), or either, studies how much to desire, however, the spite of the studies we (the world-wide elite) we are who we will continue to determine which the knowledge that we will guarantee and which we will reject.

It is clearly that we must study yes, and very, but, moreover, we must come back to be more human, solidary, cultivate qualities that in make them to approach more to the other, to be better citizens, to act with more respect for the property and dignity of the ones in our return, to give good examples for the children and the adolescents, to cultivate qualities such as: honesty in our treatments with others, to reject the crime of any species, really to fulfill what we promise, to give to the steps in agreement the legs, or either, not to spend more of the one than we gain, pay the taxes, therefore of them public services advém, for the community, and we ourselves, to respect to the authorities duly constituted, to protect the children of child’s abuser.

So we need to give heard aa experience of most aged, to take care of of the environment and the animals, preserving the nature, but using the resources that are possible to use, or either, we must preserve the nature, but we do not have adores it as if he was a god, and to leave to me of using to advantage our wealth, only because the foreigners do not want that let us use them.

These qualities we learn of our parents, and we strengthen them during the remain of our learning for the life. The ones that does not make it leave they are the ones that lose the great chance to be happy.

We go to always study and to learn, but we go to also practise the learned one. One always remembers that "science is religion", care with it!(SANTOS, P.51 pair 3 the egoism, or better "the narcissism brought ominous consequences" in the hipercientificização form" (SANTOS,p.56.) "Everything seems to be possible in the art, science, the religion and in the moral, nothing it seems to be viable to the level of the society as a whole" (Offe. 1987 p.57). "modern science privileges as the agent functions in detriment of which or which the end of the things"(SANTOS, P.64 pair 1) goes to the against-hand to our real interests, therefore it does not explain so that, and why, of the important things, and the media is hugged it.

For example, more time with TV is spent of that in colloquies with the familiar ones, it is logical that the TV has its importance, but nor in such a way. The more we learn more are clear the things in our return. If not, it sees: " In century XI the distinction natureza/cultura, in the following centuries other distinctions is overlapped as the distinction to be humano/animal, for century XVIII if to be able to celebrate the only character of the being humano". (SANTOS, P.64 par. 1; p.67par. 3).
It is clearly that, to the measure that the scientific research and the knowledge advance in the same measure the man if it detaches very as different of the animal, either símio, or either, there what to want to cite, is clear the abyms between the parts. However, "science teima in considering irrelevant"( SANTOS, p. 60. par. 2) the virtue and the value of the knowledge dictates vulgar ordinary or that we, individual or collective citizens, create and use to give sensible to ours práticas. We had ourselves to be asked: It will be that the science as we know it is same for our good? Which the consequences of it so far?

As the philosopher Theodor W. Adorno said: "to the ingenuous and liar importance given to the intellectual products of the industry of the culture, he adds new rocks that isolate it of the knowledge" (Offe. 1987). Adorn ment concludes in one of the fragmentos of the moralia Minima: "the intellectuals are at the same time opportunist of this mediocre society and those whose useless work will determine, although everything, the success of a set free society of the utilitarismo - unacceptable contradiction that is necessary to surpass of a time for all".( Mínima Morália).

He will be that we will continue packed for the cradles of the cientificismo that promotes the consumerism continuously as our goal in the life? He will be that we only exist to perpetuate this tremendous disparity? What it is for brings of this idea of capitalism?

It notices what Boaventura professor said de Souza Saints, "the natural election is a settling and invasion, expansion, progress history; it is, in short, almost a natural history of the capitalism or a history of the capitalism natural". (SANTOS p. 86 par. 2).

On the other hand, enormity gamma of tests from that the biótico alone if originates from the biótico, and never of any abiótico material, was proven for the experiments of Louis Pasteur, (1822-1895), chemistry and the French biologist renewed science in the world, when he established the science of the microbiology, and proved that the life alone drift of another life. They had proved the theory of the embryo of the illness, invented the process of the pasteurização and vaccines developed for diverse illnesses.

Or either, if to place a piece of meat in a protecting environment of bacteria, and flies, it will last more of the one than if to leave it displayed the mosquitos. If thus it will be, as we could we human beings be deriving of not-life? Or of perhaps? Science as we know it has to take part of the guilt for the disinformation of our young, the respect of these facts. For continuing insisting on a theory that only brought segregation and domination between the peoples.

If to continue believing that a Creator does not exist, and that everything is workmanship of perhaps, or either, our origin is fruit of perhaps blind, to be frank, we will be being enganosos spreaders par excellence, and worse still we will be deceived we ourselves.

The fact of the Christianity, to be submerged in the ocean of hypocrisy, and repulsive educations, for exemple the soul’s immortality, the cross’s source among other untrue, promoting the greed and the enrichment to the cost of the naivety of the lay people, not test that does not exist a Creator, who also has whole repugnance of this. Exaltar science above of everything, is nonsense to the square. We need to be balanced and to have common-sense. Either sincere, you it would take a clock to fix, if it knew that the watchmaker is blind? Or the doctor did not use clock, or he himself age the watchmaker! (blind, of course).

By Jose Cristino dos Santos Mendonça.